The Scorebook
I was doing prep work for the Boys Sweet 16 a bit ago. I was working on my scoresheets. They are pretty common among broadcasters. Some just buy a commercially produced scorebook. I like making my own. Like most it has players information (name, number, height, grade, averages, percentages etc) and a place to mark scores and fouls. As I was working on my prep this evening, something hit me like a ton of bricks. In life, I think many (if not all) people keep a scorebook. You do something nice and you get a tally in points column. Do something wrong and you get a foul. Say something nice to me and I give you a point! Hurt my feelings and I give you a foul. Be cruel to my friend, FOUL! Gossip about me, FOUL! Do anything that I think you shouldn't do, FOUL!!!! There are a couple of problems with this mentality. First of all, we are told countless times in scripture to love each other. In John 15 Je...