Would Moses be Welcome at Your Church?
Feeling a little “soap boxy” today for my blog. So you have been forewarned. Moses – Murderer David – Adulterer and Murderer Peter – Denier of Christ Paul – Killer and Imprisoner of Christians Would any of these men, as described be welcome in your church? Before you just jump up and say “YES!” What if their names were Joe, Jim, Bob and Tom? Would Tom the murderer be welcomed with open arms into your worship service? He should be. But honestly, would he be? Or would there be a group over here and a group over there staring and pointing and talking about Tom? Would anybody in your church, including the Pastor, go up to Tom and welcome him and tell him how awesome it was for him to be in God’s house and you are honored he chose to worship with you? Or would Tom have to awkwardly make his way to a seat and feel like a leper in your service? How would people react if Jim the adulterer walked in? Would they look to the rafters to make sure the roof would fall in? Or how about thi...