Will There Be Any Human Interaction in 40 Years?
Today I noticed a difference in my generation and the one behind me. I was entering a store, it was raining, a couple who looked to be about my age was behind me and I held the door open for them, which is what I was taught to do. Both were very appreciative and both said, "Thank You" On the way out of the store there were 2 young men, in their early 20's coming into the store, it was still raining, so I held the door open for them, they never broke stride, never took their eyes off their phones and never acknowledged my presence. I didn't hold the door for them to thank me, but if I hadn't held it open, I think they may each have a concussion right now. My take is this "millennial" generation will cease to have personal, face to face communication at some point, they will be less appreciative of what they have and the means they have to provide it and therefore the compassion for others will cease to exist for the most part some day. I ce...