Repair Your Divots Please
I am sure if you look in some people's pockets you will find some interesting things. Gum, mints, a pocket knife, finger nail clippers, the list could go on and on. I recently found out that the Mayor of Huntington Steve Williams carries 11 pennies in his pocket to remind him that he needs to help 11 people each day. I think that is awesome. I too carry an object in my pocket and have for the last 20+ years. It's a divot repair tool used in golf. I also used to golf quite a bit before Parkinson's. I carry this around to remind me that sometimes I hurt people, either with words or actions. I create a divot in their life. That divot needs to be repaired and since I caused it I need to ask for forgiveness and rectify the situation. But also, when golfers come to a green and there are divots that they didn't cause, they go ahead and repair them anyway. So each day I try to make sure I repair the divots I caused and ...