5 Words I Could Never Find
For quite some time I have struggled with what exactly my responsibility is as a brother in Christ. I mean, I know but really had a hard time boiling it down or how to express. I could never find a way to say it simply. I have tried to preach sermons on it, teach classes on it, but I just couldn’t come up with how to explain what I was supposed to be to my fellow brothers and sister in Christ. Over the past few weeks I have been reading heavily in the 3 books of John toward in the end of the New Testament. Today, Brother Jeff Garrett had an amazing sermon from First John and it had me thinking all the way home from church, during lunch and even interrupted my nap time. Thanks Jeff! One of the themes of I John is simply love. Over and over from chapter 1 throughout the book John tells us to love each other. I love how in chapter 4 he says that love comes from God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. But if you don’t love, you don’t know God for God is love, so...