
Showing posts from April, 2017

Where Has Our Compassion Gone?

I was in Taco Bell last night.  I was going to drive thru but nature called so I went in.  As I came out of the rest room I saw 4 people standing at the counter laughing and talking about a gentleman in the back corner.  Mind you, these weren't teenagers, they were adults.  I knew all 4 of those people laughing.  I wish I could say they were laughing because the gentleman had told them a joke, but they were laughing because he was crying.  The sad thing to me, I had attended church with 3 of the 4, one of which was an officer in the church. Well, to those who were laughing, that man who as weeping in the back corner of Taco Bell has (in the past 7 months) lost a wife to cancer, a daughter to a heroin overdose and had all his money stolen from a stepson who was "helping him take care of the funeral expenses so he didn't have to worry about it." How do I know?  Because I asked him.  Yes, I got my order to go, but I couldn't stand there ...

Parkinson’s Awareness Month – Forgiveness

In honor of April being Parkinson’s Awareness Month,  I want to share some things that Parkinson’s has either taught me, or reminded me about every now and then. One of the activities I enjoyed prior to being diagnosed with PD was golf (if you can call what I did golf).  I was never very good and some people didn’t like to play with me because any sport I try to play or broadcast, I was an avid rulebook reader.  When I would try to enforce a rule, I was often told to hush and just have fun and play golf. One “rule” (it is actually more of a courtesy) concerns replacing ball marks on the green from your ball hitting the green in flight.  I rarely had to worry about this but I was prepared if I ever did.  I studied the proper way to do it, carried around a divot repair tool in my pocket to practice.  One day!  One day I would hit a green from the fairway and make a ball mark and would need my divot repair tool. I am sure if you look in some peop...