
Showing posts from May, 2017

A Question to Remember

I really encourage you to read John 6 to put this post in context. I will set the scene, but reading the passage for yourself in your chosen translation may help. Jesus has just finished feeding the multitude with 5 barley loaves and 2 fishes. The people had been excited over the miracle and wanted to make Jesus king. They had their stomachs full and were happy. But read further in the chapter and one sees that it really wasn't Jesus the people wanted but what they could get out of Him. They wanted the physical bread, but they didn't want Jesus the Bread of Life. When Jesus taught a very tough lesson about following Him, we are told many turned their backs on Him and never followed Him again. One of the saddest words (to me) ever spoken were from Jesus at this point, he turns to his 12 and said, “You do not want to leave too, do you?” WOW! Can you hear the sadness in the voice of the Master? He had just performed a miracle, the crowd was happy, but when He showed them what ...

Could You Have Done This?

Sleep disturbance is just part of PD, but it gives me a lot of time to think and read. Tonight as I was reading through the account of the Last Supper, something hit me like a ton of bricks. Jesus washed the feet of Judas. He knew what this man had done. He knew he had betrayed Him. He knew what was about to happen to Him because of Judas, yet Jesus knelt down and washed the feet of His betrayer. How many of us would even want to be in the same room as this man? How many of us would have just hauled off and hit the guy!? Or at the very least tell everybody else what Judas had done to us? Yet Jesus took a towel and a wash basin and washed his stinky, dirty feet. He not only gave us an example of being a servant, He gave us an example of loving others regardless of who they are or what they have done to us. This certainly made me think tonight. I hope it makes you think when you read this. God bless.

A Walk Down Memory Road

I am a few days shy of my 50th birthday.  I guess as that "big milestone" gets closer the more I have thought about things.  Last night I had a pretty crazy dream.  I was in a room with a bunch of coaches and players from all sports, as well as radio and newspaper guys.  At the table I was sitting at was Rick Bentley, Tom Gemeinhart, Gene Peterson, Jim Forrest, Elden May, Dicky Martin, Jack Calhoun and Hop Brown. It was quite a dream.  We were all telling stories, laughing, having a wonderful time.  Each of those men have had an influence on my life, whether they know it or not, in their own way. As I woke up today, I went to a little drawer in my room where I keep a few mementos.  Just stuff that nobody else would think twice about, but things I have cherished over the years.  There is an article from Elden in which he called me the "McGyver of radio," there are some stats from Mr G concerning the East vs West Football rivalry, a newspaper ar...