
Showing posts from June, 2017

Two Vessels Restored

I so wish I had taken a picture of this cast iron Birmingham Dutch Oven prior to my restoration attempt.  I got it at an auction a couple of years ago with the intention of fixing it up.  But time got in my way.  It was just a big pile of rust.  But looking online I found a site that showed me how to use water, electricity and sacrificial metal to restore it a clean, spotless vessel again. When researching this model, I found it was made in 1967.  I was born in 1967.  But that is just one of the similarities between us. This pot was junk.  It was covered with material that made it totally useless for the purpose for which it was made.   But I saw potential in this pot.  And with a lot of love, compassion and sacrifice, it is now ready to be used as it was intended.  The water and sacrificial metal took the rust away, making it whole and beautiful again. I too, made it 1967 was covered in junk as time went on.  I was totall...

I Almost Lost Today

I don’t know how much you know about Parkinson’s, but some days it really wants to win.  Today was one of those days.  Parky wouldn’t let me get out of bed on my own.  I needed help.  Then he decided I should just lay around and not do anything today.  My kids were leaving for a little mini vacation to Pittsburgh and he thought I should just lay around and not see them off or really do anything today. He almost won.  But I decided he wasn’t going to win.  I pulled myself up out of my recliner, got dressed and went outside.  The front yard needed mowing but it was pretty hot.  Tina wanted supper, so I headed off in my little truck to town.  Stopped by and caught 5 bluegill before I went on to town.  Got supper and came back and ate with my wife. I then decided that even though Parky was working overtime to win today, I was going to mow for a little bit.  I didn’t get the yard done.  I had to stop quite a bit and it ...


I understand what I am about to say is not popular and it might cause some to unfriend, unfollow, disavow, etc. But, I firmly believe the one trait all humans are born with and for the most part we all die with is selfishness. Some to a greater degree than others, but part of our DNA is self-preservation. I have said this for years in the pulpit and elsewhere. I had really forgotten how selfish children can be until I had the thrill of observing my grandson on a nearly daily basis for the past two and a half years. He has toys. Lots of toys. And he will be happy to tell you they are his toys. And sometimes he will go well beyond the bounds of his status as a child to tell you that they are his toys. Now I love my grandson and he is a great young child. But he also has that innate selfishness that all 2 year olds have. If he is playing with a toy, that toy is “MINE!” If you are playing with a toy, that toy is “MINE!” If you are looking at or even thinking about a toy he is qui...