Yes, there is a song about it. I have read countless articles and blogs about it. I have heard and preached sermons on it and even read books about it. Respect. So why another blog on a dull topic? Because somewhere our society has dropped the ball. Somehow, somewhere, a generation has danced through life without knowing how to show respect or what it even means. A couple of examples. I have taught my son, and I practice it as well, to hold the door open for people in a public place if they were entering or leaving behind you. Especially older people or mom's with children, etc. To me that is respect and mannerly. This past week I was walking toward a store and I saw an elderly man with a cane headed to the door as well. I sped up a little (I don't have high gear) so that I could open the door and hold it open for the gentleman. Just before I got to the door, 2 teenagers just about knocked that man down and ran into me so that they could beat the "old dude and ...